Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Perpustakaan sebagai Pusat Sumber Belajar Bahasa Arab

Perpustakaan merupakan pusat sarana akademisi. Perpustakaan menyediakan bahan-bahan pustaka berupa barang cetakan seperti buku, majalah/jurnal ilmiah,peta, surat kabar, karya-karya tulis berupa monograf yang belum diterbitkan, serta bahan-bahan non cetakan seperti micro-fish, micro film, dll. Oleh karena itu, perpustakaan dapat dmanfaatkaan oleh pelajar, mahasiswa dan masyarakat pada umumnya untuk memperoleh informasi dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan baik untuk tujuan akademisi.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

My Dream part 1

I have a dream. I want to be a person who can change the generation of Indonesia to become better than now. According to me, the situation in Indonesia now is very fearful in any affairs from social, political, economic, and culture.

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


Islam is a great unique religion. It is held by an absolute majority of the peoplein some 40 nation states, and of the 900 million Muslims liying today only 17% or so are Arabs. It is estimated that Islam will be the religion of one quarter of the earth’s population by the beginning of the 21st century. All these people have a religion with a set of beliefs and a set of rules covering a goodly part of what one might call a way of life (Adams, 1976; Aydich, 1979). Islam is an uncompromisingly monotheistic religion that requires total submission to the will of Allah. It puts great emphasis on rightoeusness of thought and of action, and promises rewards in the hereafter, but not in this world, for those who believeand practice as they should.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012


1- تعريف الاعراب
        الاعراب هو تغيير اواخرالكلم لاختلاف العوامل الداخلة عليها لفظا اوتقديرا.كماقال اهل النحو:
اعرابهم تغييراخرالكلم # تقديرااولفظا لعامل علم
المثال: جاء زيدٌ، رايت زيدًا، مرارت بريدٍ (   ٌ   ً ٍ )